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What’s the big deal about Easter?

What’s the big deal about Easter?

We asked several people at a local shopping complex what they thought about Easter. The results were interesting! This short DVD shows some of these responses and also answers the question “What’s the Big deal about Easter?” Click below to...
Good News – A Gospel Presentation DVD

Good News – A Gospel Presentation DVD

This DVD gives a clear explanation of the gospel. It will help any person to clearly grasp the concept of salvation by faith alone. Many in Zimbabwe and elsewhere are sincere in wanting to follow the Lord but do not understand the Good News – that salvation is a...
Training our Children for Life

Training our Children for Life

Nothing can erase the memory of the day you brought your little one home from the hospital. A day that was both exciting and extremely terrifying at the same time. At this point your precious baby was totally dependent on you for all his/her needs. This season of...
Your Genes – Wear Them Well

Your Genes – Wear Them Well

A well-known coach was once asked by a would-be sportsman what the most important thing was for him to become a champion. The coach thought for a while before uttering the smart response: “Choose your parents wisely.” A large number of people, especially teenagers,...
Building trust in marriage

Building trust in marriage

Introduction “King Edward VII of Great Britain was quite a playboy in his day, and his wife, Queen Alexandra had often ignored his infidelities and wild escapades. As he lay on his deathbed, his faithful wife was grief stricken until one reassuring thought occurred to...