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More Precious than Gold

by Ian Wilsher I love the word of God. But then what's not to love? I became a Christian in my first year of university and had the privilege of attending student Christian conferences at which world class teachers opened up and explained His Word. It whet my...

Lemonade In The Wilderness

My reading opened with, "Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way through the desert these forty years, to humble you and test you in order to know what was in your heart." (Deuteronomy 8:2) This Scripture made my spirit leap - I was in the middle of a...

Unity: The backbone of Marriage

by Leonard When you both publicly and loudly proclaimed your love for each other, there was great jubilation as you gazed into each other’s eyes and you moved from involvement to commitment. It was truly a dream come true! Yet for most couples, not too far into the...

Only One Way? by Ian Wilsher

Report from Bristol, UK: 28 th February 2017 (Christian Concern) Street Preachers Convicted in Modern Day Heresy Trial. Two street preachers have today been convicted of a public order offence, after a public prosecutor, Mr Jackson, claimed that...

Training our Children for Life

Nothing can erase the memory of the day you brought your little one home from the hospital. A day that was both exciting and extremely terrifying at the same time. At this point your precious baby was totally dependent on you for all his/her needs. This season of...

Your Genes – Wear Them Well

A well-known coach was once asked by a would-be sportsman what the most important thing was for him to become a champion. The coach thought for a while before uttering the smart response: “Choose your parents wisely.” A large number of people, especially teenagers,...

Building trust in marriage

Introduction “King Edward VII of Great Britain was quite a playboy in his day, and his wife, Queen Alexandra had often ignored his infidelities and wild escapades. As he lay on his deathbed, his faithful wife was grief stricken until one reassuring thought occurred to...

Interdependence – a key to spiritual growth

Beware of Independence! Due to my upbringing and culture, I tend to equate maturity with independence. A child – or so the thinking goes - is dependent on its parents, but an adult should not need to depend on anyone. I don’t think I am alone in this belief. As...

Church Face, School Face, Home Face

Will the real ME please stand up? by Kristen Young Are there different versions of You? Maybe there’s School You: you’re polite and obedient to teachers, then complain about them in the playground. Perhaps the Friend You is different again - maybe you feel like you...